Oh, we weren't about to forget the angels - Corey's angels! Oh my God, how could we forget the angels?" There is a trail behind of people, girls - the angels. "Sometimes you're a mensch - as they say in Yiddish - and you do the right thing. But it was to a guy who was friendly with me I was friendly with him for many, many, many, years. "I knew I was donating the money," Scott confirms. Majestik called him to thank him, and then again when he had been released from the hospital. Schwartz was able to help Majestik out a bit. "And Majestik is telling me this on the phone, I’m like, ‘You got to be kidding me.’ He said, ‘Nope, didn’t send me a dime.’" Couldn't put his hand in his pocket and go to the Western Union, MoneyGram, and send him any money.

This is the guy who brought him to Michael Jackson, and all these other things, and he didn't send the guys ten cents. "Now this was, again, one of his close friends. said, ‘I don't have any cash with me when I get home, I'll send you some money.’ "He says, ‘Listen, I don’t have any food at the house I need some money.’ He goes, ‘Our buddy Corey came by and saw me ten days ago. "And that was pretty much that was the end of the friendship. It was, 'Get on the plane because we're going to lock up the airport in 10 minutes you got to go. All I know is, he was left there because they had no choice. "He could have been out cold in his room high as a kite. And this is what led to Corey and Michael not being friends anymore. "And apparently, there were two or three messages that have been heard or spoken of, from another guy named Majestik, the Magnificent Magician Extraordinaire - who was Joe Jackson's caretaker - to Bob Feldman knowing the stories. "He started calling Michael Jackson, leaving threatening messages on his phone: ‘You better get my ass out of New York,’ and, ‘You're responsible for me being here,’ and all this shit. That part - I don’t know for sure where the hell he was, but he wasn't where he was supposed to be so that he could get out of there with them. "Corey Feldman came back to the hotel or woke up, whatever it was. "So Michael Jackson and the gang - whoever it was - they got on the plane, and they left Corey Feldman in New York because they couldn't find him. Calling him on his cell phone, can’t find him. "Everybody's back there and - the morning of 9/11 - everything happened in the morning, and they were all in the same hotel. They were doing the Jacksons show or something -I think this is one of the comeback tours that they did, whatever. Scott Schwartz explains from the beginning: "Corey Feldman was with the Jacksons, all of them - they flew a private jet from LA to New York. Yup, his close ties to Michael Jackson were dissolved that day, in case the 2974 tragic human deaths weren't enough to deal with on that particular day.

On the early morning of 9/11 - the most traumatic day of our generation in this country - he got in a bit of a tiff with the King of Pop. But his staff isn't the only entity that has gotten upset with CF.