
Mudlet mapper tutorial
Mudlet mapper tutorial

  1. Mudlet mapper tutorial update#
  2. Mudlet mapper tutorial full#
  3. Mudlet mapper tutorial free#

Mudlet mapper tutorial update#

mobhelp queue) Extensive admin commands and information Extensive "wiznet" information services that lets you know of ongoing events (such as players connecting) "Hot reboot" feature lets you update the server without players having to disconnect Source code supplied (C++) Integrated web server - lets players check who is on in their web browser, before connecting, and other things, like viewing help files. Queued events using mob queue command: (e.g. Help with the mobprog if checks using the ifhelp command. Automatic logging of mobprog bugs and view the call stack (log and callstack accessed with mpinfo). Object progs are currently not available, but are planned when a complete scripting language will be fully embedded. Room progs are simulated by putting a mob in the room with the unseen flag (with this flag, the mob can only be seen with holylight and is unaffected by area attacks). Guards and other citizens in mekali change their behaviour depending on the number of 'I killed a mekali citizen' tokens a character carries. when a player kills a citizen in mekali they are given a token. Mobs can use this to tag players and remember state - e.g. A 'token' object (which is invisible to mortals, can optionally stay in a players inventory over death, and can optionally degrade over time). Separate DNS and Ident resolving process (meaning DNS lookups don't lag the mud) Laston database, with search criteria Extensive helps (over 1000) Player Help searching command - helplist Textsearch command, able to search for any text, searching the following: helps socials roomname roomdescription roomextdescript objdescription objextdescript mobdescription mobprog Mobprog debugging and development: Online mobile programming help using the mobhelp command (with no parameters to list all). Replay command works for all channels as well as tells (e.g. The mxp feature does require an MXP capable mudclient such as mushclient to be used. The game settings editor is fully MXP enabled, every underlined word in the example is a link that can be clicked to edit settings. Ability to read and convert rom area files GameEdit - The Game Settings Editor Gameedit allows the editing of a large number of game parameters, text fields and values. MSP (MUD Sound Protocol) support MCCP (MUD Compression Protocol) support Fully Customizable Colour System, with mudwide templates Support for ANSI, IRC and HTML colouring conventions OLC (online construction), many MXP driven - including the following in game editors: Game editor (gameedit, customize the behaviour of a number of game features - more on this later!) Area editor (aedit) Room editor (redit) Mobile editor (medit) Object editor (oedit) Help editor (hedit) Race editor (raceedit) Class editor (cedit) Clan editor (clanedit) Skill Group editor (skgrpedit - for editing things like 'mage basics') Spells/Skills editor (sedit) Social editor (socedit) Ban editor (banedit) Mix editor (mixedit) Deity editor (dedit) Herb editor (herbedit) Command editor (comedit) Mobile Program editor (mpedit) A number of aspects within the OLC editors are automated: Automatic saving of olc work every 15 minutes and prior to hotreboots, reboots and shutdowns Automatic balancing of mobs when you set their level, (the stats can then be overridden) The autobalance parameters are easily customized for a muds requirements (see system/mob*.txt within the support files download) Automatic adjustment of racial flags, body parts, form etc when you set a mobs race Ability to rebalance all the mobs in an area/vnum range with the autobalance command Ability to adjust room flags on a range of vnums with the setrooms command.

Mudlet mapper tutorial full#

Some of Dawns features include: Compiles and runs under Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD), Windows (Cygwin and Microsoft Visual C++), and OS X Full MXP (MUD eXtension Protocol) support - probably the most advanced MXP server on the net.

Mudlet mapper tutorial free#

Thus it has a similar "look and feel" to the Diku/ROM styles of MUD, and of course it is free :).

mudlet mapper tutorial

Work began on the Dawn codebase in 1997, and it was first publically released at the end of 2000.

mudlet mapper tutorial

Kalahn), which was originally based on the ROM codebase.

mudlet mapper tutorial

The Dawn of Time is a MUD codebase developed by Michael Garratt (a.k.a.

Mudlet mapper tutorial